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side by side example of in-content advertising

How in-content advertising can help brands grow in 2023

Advertisers are always on the lookout for new and innovative ways to reach consumers, and in-content advertising is one of the most advantageous ways to do so. Read on to discover the top four benefits (among many) of in-content advertising for brands looking to start the new year with a bang.
Best practices for in-content advertising - advertisement shown on a billboard

5 Creative Best Practices for In-Content Advertising

In-content advertising is a new and powerful way to strengthen and accelerate advertising campaigns. While many brands are struggling with a saturated media landscape and overwhelmed consumers who have literally seen it all, in-content advertising provides a unique and positive viewing experience, m...
As Amazon and NBC Enter Virtual Product Placement and In-Content Advertising Space, Mirriad’s Technology Is the Leading Proven Solution

As Amazon and NBC Enter Virtual Product Placement and In-Content Advertising Space, Mirriad’s Technology Is the Leading Proven Solution

With recent reports that Amazon and NBCU/Peacock are entering the in-content advertising space, it is exciting to see the opportunity within the area grow. Mirriad leads this new advertising category in a landscape that has been unexplored by others until recent months. MIRRIAD IS THE IN-CONTENT ADV...